Submission Policy

27th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

  • There is only one type of contribution to COBEM 2023 and the submissions will occur in a three-step process, following the schedule provided on “Important Dates”: abstract, draft paper, and final paper.
  • English is the official language of COBEM 2023 and will be used in all the submissions, poster and oral presentations. Authors who do not feel comfortable with English writing are advised to have their contributions revised by an English native speaker or expert.
  • The research work reported should not have been published previously in conferences or journals.
  • All submissions must be made through the web-based ABCM Event Management System, which requires previous registration of all the co-authors.
  • All co-authors must be registered in ABCM Event Management System, declare awareness of the submission and share the responsibility for its contents. The reasoning for this requirement is available here.
  • One of the authors will have the role of Presenter. The Presenter is supposed to attend the congress and present the paper in the assigned oral or poster section, in order for the paper to appear in the proceedings.
  • The registration fee entitles the Paying Author to publish one paper. Additional papers by the same Paying Author require additional payments. See special policy regarding Undergraduate Students.
  • The Paying Author is requested to Register for the Congress before the submission of the Final Paper.
  • All submitted contributions will be subject to a peer-review process.
  • From the submissions that choose Oral Presentation, the Program Committee of each Symposium will select a high quality paper to be presented as Session Paper. The presenting author will be invited to be a Session Speaker and all authors of the paper will receive an award certificate.
  • Any questions related to submissions, should be directed to with the subject “COBEM 2023 – Submission”.
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