Payments in Dollar

27th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

The registration fee may be paid by PayPal to ABCM.


1.1. In your PayPal account, use the link “Send & Request” and send your payment to: (see figure below).


1.2. After pressing “Next” (see figure above), you will be directed to a page where you need to select the currency (USD, for US Dollars) and include the amount to be paid.


1.3. On this page, in the field available to add a note, include the following text: Registration fee for COBEM-23 – YOUR NAME. This note will be used to identify your payment of the registration fee (see figure below)



  • In case of cancellation after the payment, the registration fee will be reimbursed but $100 US Dollars will be deducted as a cancellation fee.
  • Any questions related to registration, payment and emission of payment receipt, should be directed to with the subject “COBEM 2023 – Registration and payment”.


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