09th – 14th March 2025



Official Language

English is the official language of the Symposium. Therefore, all written communications (abstracts, drafts, final papers, etc.) must be in English. Presentations must also be delivered in English.

Abstract Instructions

Abstracts and papers must be submitted through the ABCM’s web-based submission system (https://www.sistema.abcm.org.br). The abstract is a text-only entry and must not exceed 400 words. All abstracts will be evaluated for their proposed contribution and adequacy to the Symposium’s topics of interest.

First-time users must ‘Sign Up’ to the ABCM Submission System before submitting abstracts. After signing up, please select ‘DINAME 2025’ in the ‘Select an Event’ dropdown menu and click ‘Submit’.

All authors (and co-authors) must register in the ABCM Submission System to submit abstracts.

Draft Paper Instructions

Once your Abstract is approved, you will be invited to submit a Draft Paper. Draft Papers can be 5 to 10 pages long and must include research results. They must be formatted according to DINAME 2025 Guidelines using either our Word or Latex templates and submitted as a PDF file of up to 2 MB. All draft papers will be evaluated by a panel of reviewers based on their scientific contribution and compliance with the formatting guidelines.

Final Paper Instructions

Once your Draft Paper is approved, you will be invited to submit a Final Paper, which is an updated, corrected version of the Draft Paper. Final Papers must comply with the reviewers’ requests. They must be submitted even if the Draft Paper is accepted as is. Only Final Papers — not Draft Papers — will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Please note that at least one of the authors must pay the registration fee for the paper to be included in the Conference Program and, if presented at the Conference, published in the Proceedings.