March 31st – April 4th 2025


8th Multiphase Flow Journeys

Oral presentations

Oral presentations will have a 15 min duration, with 10 min for the presentation followed by 5 min for discussion. There is no specific template, so the presenting authors shall be free to use theirs.

Presenting authors should arrive at the presentation room at least 15 min before the session starts and confirm that the slides are uploaded and ready for display properly. You can also use your own computer. However, if the computer uses the Mac system, you must bring an adapter for your device, which will not be available at the symposium venue.

Suggested format: Widescreen.


Poster Presentations

Presenting authors are responsible for printing and bringing their posters to the symposium venue. Poster printing services will not be available at the symposium venue.

The posters must be printed in portrait orientation with dimensions: height 120 cm and width 90 cm. There is no specific template, so the presenting authors shall be free to use theirs.

Presenting authors should be available to present their posters and are required to be at the poster location to answer any questions for the entire assigned session.