July 20th – 25th 2025


10th International Combustion Institute Winter School

Poster sessions

Poster sessions will be held during the coffee breaks (30 min duration), as scheduled in the event program.

The posters must be in portrait orientation (120 cm height x 90 cm width). There is no fixed format for the content and organization of the posters. A suggested format includes the full paper title, names and affiliations of all authors, an indication of the corresponding author, introduction, methods, results and discussion, conclusions, and main references. Posters can be printed on either paper or fabric and must include a string for hanging the posters at the poster stands.

Presenting authors are responsible for printing and bringing their posters to the venue as poster printing services will not be available at the venue. The posters must be hung on the assigned stands (identified by the assigned poster number) before the beginning of the scheduled session.

Presenting authors should be available to present their posters and are required to be at the poster location to answer any queries during the entire session. Other participants are encouraged to visit the posters and interact with presenting authors.