
XIX International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics

The conference will take place at Pousada dos Pireneus, Pirenópolis. Pirenópolis is located at the middle of Goiás State in a biome called
Cerrado, a vast tropical savanna of Brazil. The region has beautiful rivers and several waterfalls. The name Pirenópolis is a tribute to the
Pyrenees mountain range, which surrounds the entire city. The city, founded in 1727 with the discovery of gold, has one of the most important
property collections in all Midwest of Brazil.  Colonial architecture makes up the architectural, urban, landscape and historical ensemble of
Pirenópolis, listed by IPHAN (National Heritage Institute) in 1990.

Pirenópolis is 120 km away from Goiânia and 150 km away from Brasília. Information about transportation from Brasília to Pirenópolis will be
available soon.



Hotel Pousada dos Pireneus Resort

Pousada Website

Address: Chácara Mata do Sobrado, nº80 – Bairro do Carmo – Pirenópolis – GO, 72980-000