Registration fees

20th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering

Registration must be made through the ABCM conference management system:




To be published in the proceedings, each paper should have an associated registration fee and be presented at the congress.

The registration fees for the different categories are presented in the following table.

CATEGORY Early Fees (until September 10) Late Fees
Professional R$1.500,00 R$1.850,00
Professional – ABCM Member R$1.100,00 R$1.350,00
Graduate Students R$900,00 R$1.100,00
Graduate Students – ABCM Member R$600,00 R$800,00
Undergraduate Students R$400,00 R$550,00
Undergraduate Students – ABCM Member R$250,00 R$350,00


The values above correspond to the publication of only one paper. For each additional paper, the registration fee will be increased in R$ 100,00


The registration fee includes a visit to the ‘Usina de Itaipu’ or ‘Cataratas do Iguaçu’ (Please use the following link to select your preferred option:


The papers that are not presented (oral or poster) during the congress will not be included in the official proceedings of the event.


1) Cancellation Policy for ABCM Conferences
1.1) Cancellations must be requested from the conference organizers and approved by ABCM.
1.2) Until 1 month before the event starts, a 70% refund will be provided.
1.3) Otherwise, no refund will be provided.
1.4) There is one exception, a final paper being rejected when its respective extended abstract was accepted, where a 100% refund will be provided.


For more information, please contact the conference organizers.