March 31st – April 4th 2025


8th Multiphase Flow Journeys

Guide for Authors

Submissions to the Journey of Multiphase Flows should be in the form of extended abstracts, with a length of 2-3 pages. Only the papers that are presented during the conference will be published in the conference proceedings. The presenter should be indicated in the submitted paper through an asterisk by its name in the author´s list. The authors of each work are solely responsible for the content of the extended abstracts that are published in this conference proceedings.

Call for papers

The 8th Multiphase Flows Journey will be open for submissions from September 30th, 2024 to December 2nd, 2024. The submissions should be carried out through the ABCM System, and the template documents for the extended abstracts are available:

Template.LaTeX  (agradecimento a Rafael Dias do Nascimento)




It should be noted that papers submitted and presented by students will be eligible for the Best Paper Awards. In addition, through our partnership with THORLABS, two students will get reimbursed for travelling expenses, as detailed in the THORLABS AWARDS section.

Best Paper Award

Works with the confirmed authorship of undergraduate or graduate student which are presented by that student during the conference are eligible for the Best Paper Award to be announced during the closing ceremony. Each submitted abstract will be evaluated by two reviewers selected among the scientific committee, and during the revision procedure the reviewers will indicate papers that should be considered for the award. The presentation of the best papers indicated in this first round will be evaluated, together with their extended abstract by an independent evaluation committee, which will finally nominate the award winner.