Welcome to Mecsol 2024 – the 9th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics.
Mecsol is a biennial conference promoted by the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering – ABCM, and organized by its Committee of Solid Mechanics. This edition will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from October 21st to 23rd, 2024.
The goal of Mecsol 2024 is to be a platform to present and discuss the most recent problems and solutions in the industry and academy in solid mechanics. In this international platform we will gather scientists, students, and professionals in the vanguard of the most challenging problems in these areas. The conference will create productive discussion and collaboration opportunities in its application, experimental, numerical, and theoretical aspects.
The topics of interest are: Fatigue and Failure Analyses; Composite Materials and Structures; Elasticity, Plasticity, Damage and Fracture Mechanics; Viscoelasticity and Viscoplasticity; Impact Engineering; Structural Reliability Methods and Reliability-Based Design Optimization; Optimization of Materials, Fluids and Structures; Numerical Methods; Nonlinear Analyses; High-Performance Computing applied to Solid Mechanics; and Artificial Intelligence- and Neural Network-supported applications.
Following the 2022 event, also this edition will involve cooperation between three committees of ABCM:
– Solid Mechanics,
– Smart Materials and Structures, and
– Fracture Mechanics, Fatigue and Structural Integrity.
Mecsol 2024 will be a great opportunity to gather researchers from the scientific communities linked to these committees to share their findings.
Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to contribute with their state-of-the-art research papers. All the presented papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Original contributions may be submitted, in the English language, through this website. Please refer to the front page for important dates and deadlines.
Mecsol participants will have the opportunity to submit their revised papers (10-15 pages) for consideration to the book “Springer’s ABCM Series – Mecsol 2024” at no extra charge. Authors will also be able to submit full papers to the Mecsol 2024’s special issue of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (LAJSS).