Symposia Keynote Speakers

19th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering

Prof. Atef Mohany

Ontario Tech University – Canada
Symposium of Fluid Mechanics and Rheology
Symposium of Nuclear Engineering

Dr. Mohany is a Professor and the Chair of the Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department at the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science/Ontario Tech University (formerly known as UOIT) in Canada. His main areas of expertise are aeroacoustics, fluid-structure interaction, flow-induced vibration & noise, turbulent flows, and noise & vibration control. The majority of his research projects address a wide range of practical engineering problems related to the design and operation of automotive, aerospace, and sustainable energy systems. Prior to moving to the academia, he was a Nuclear R&D Engineer at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), Chalk River Laboratories. During his tenure at AECL, Dr. Mohany was involved in several strategic projects related to the design of key components in the advanced CANDU reactor as well as the operation of nuclear power plants in Canada and around the world. Dr. Mohany obtained his Ph.D. from McMaster University, Canada in 2006. He has received many distinction and merit awards, including the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology (JPVT) Literature Award in 2020, the ASME 2020 Reviewer of the Year Award, the Editor’s Pick award from the Physics of Fluids Journal in 2020, the ASME JPVT Editor’s Choice Award for the best technical paper in 2013, and the Achievement Award from the Component Life Technology Branch at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) in 2008. Together with his research group, he has a US patent and over 150 publications in reputable journals and conferences. Dr. Mohany is a Professional Engineer of Ontario, and an elected Fellow of ASME and CSME.

Prof. Domingos A. Rade

Aeronautics Institute of Technology – Brazil
Symposium of Aerospace Engineering

Domingos A. Rade holds a Mechanical Engineering degree (Federal University of Uberlândia-UFU, Brazil, 1984), Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering (Aeronautics Institute of Technology ‐ ITA, Brazil, 1987), and Doctorate in Sciences for the Engineer (University of Bourgogne Franche‐Comté, France, 1994). He is currently Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Division of the Aeronautics Institute of Technology. He is serving as the President of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2021-2023). He holds a Research Productivity Research Grant level 1A from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). His teaching and research activities are devoted to structural dynamics and vibrations, with emphasis on vibration control, probabilistic structural mechanics, smart materials and structures, and periodic structures and metamaterials. He has co‐authored 61 refereed journal papers, 8 book chapters and 1 textbook published by Elsevier. He has advised 34 master dissertations and 18 doctorate theses.

Prof. Juliana Loureiro

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Symposium of Offshore and Petroleum Engineering
Symposium of Fluid Mechanics and Rheology

Dr. Juliana Loureiro holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2002), a master’s degree (2005) and a doctorate (2008) in Mechanical Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ. From 2008 to 2011, Dr. Loureiro has worked as a civil servant at the National Institute of Metrology, where she worked to establish the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics of the Division of Scientific Metrology. Dr. Loureiro is currently Associate Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she has been working since 2011. She served as Assistant Director of Education and Culture at the School of Engineering from 2018 to 2019. In 2017 she has been amongst the three finalists of the ANP Technological Prize for the development of fouling mitigation strategies for the oil industry. In 2011, she was elected an Affiliate Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC). In 2010 she received the Capes Thesis Award for the best doctoral thesis concluded in 2008 in the area of Engineering III (Mechanical, Production, Naval and Oceanic and Aerospace). In 2006, she received the Award in Recognition for Merit as an Outstanding Student of Program AlBan, conferred by the Ministry of External Relations of the European Union and in 2005 she was awarded the ABCM – EMBRAER 2005 Award for Research in Mechanical Engineering, Best Master’s Dissertation Category. Dr. Loureiro works in the area of experimental fluid mechanics, especially on the characterization of complex flows, turbulent baoundary layer flows, multiphase flows and flow assurance applications to the oil industry. She is currently Associate Editor of the Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Since 2018, Dr. Loureiro has been representing the Brazilian Association of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences at IUTAM (International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics), where she has served as a member of the Diversity Working Group.

Prof. Pedro Teixeira Lacava

Aeronautics Institute of Technology – Brazil
Symposium of Combustion

Pedro Teixeira Lacava was born on April 08, 1970, in Ribeirão Preto – Brazil. He is graduated in Mechanical Engineering from São Paulo State University Brazil, 1992, received his Master Degree in Space Sciences from National Space Research Institute Brazil, 1995, and received his PhD degree in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering from Aeronautics Institute of Technology – Brazil, 2000. Since 1999, he is professor of Propulsion Department in Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA). He has experience in fundamental and applied combustion. In ITA he was Head of Aerospace Division, Coordinator of Aerospace Engineering Course, Head of Graduate Courses and Research Division and Pro-Rector of Graduate Courses. Additionally, since 2004 he is Researcher of the Brazilian National Council of Science and Technology.

Prof. Thomas Pierre

University of Southern Brittany – France
Symposium of Heat and Mass Transfer

Thomas Pierre is associate professor at the Université Bretagne Sud (UBS) in Lorient, France, since 2008, where he develops his research work in the CNRS – IRDL Laboratory. He obtained his PhD degree in 2007 in mechanical engineering at the Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France. His work was dedicated to the measurements of temperatures above 1 000 °C at the microscale by multispectral pyrometry in the UV-visible range. Since 2008, he works on the use of inverse methods for the estimation of physical properties of different materials ranging from insulators to good conductors. He works on experiments and protocols involving analytical models based, for example, on the quadrupole approach. Recently his works have been focused on the simultaneous estimation of high temperatures and spectral emittances of opaque surfaces by multispectral pyrometry, using probabilistic techniques such as the Bayesian inference and the particle filter. Thomas Pierre teaches undergraduate and graduate students at UBS about radiative transfer and metrology. He is a member of the METTI group of SFT (French Heat Transfer Society) dedicated to the “thermal measurements and inverse methods”. In METTI Schools he teaches inverse method courses on multispectral pyrometry and the hot-plate technique.