

ISSN: 2447-2387

EBEM Classes

(1) Thermodynamics properties of mixtures and flash
Prof. Dr. Jader Barbosa (UFSC)
Prof. Dr. Moisés Marcelino (UTFPR)


(2) Controlling hydrate formation in production line
Prof. Dr. Amadeu Sum (CSM)


(3) Paraffin formation in production lines
Prof. Dr. Luiz Fernando (PUC-RJ)


(4) Computational modeling of fluid-flows employing adaptative mesh refinement, front track, immerse boundary and VOF
Prof. Dr. Aristeu S. Neto (UFU)


(5) Fundamentals on two phase flow instabilities
Prof. Dr. Erick M. Franklin (UNICAMP)


(6) Severe slugging: modeling, simulation and stability criteria
Prof. Dr. Jorge Baliño (USP)


(7) Padrões de Escoamento no Escoamento Bifásico de Líquido-Gás
Prof. Dr. Rigoberto E. M. Morales (UTFPR)