Short Courses

26th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

The short courses will be available to COBEM2021 participants and will take place from Tuesday to Friday, from 7:30 am to 8:30 am.

Registration for the short courses will take place on the first day of COBEM2021 through the conference platform.

Basics of computational fluid dynamics and applications (Course in English)


  • – Basics of finite volume method, including the conservation equations, its integration using finite volume techniques, interpolation functions and aspects of the linear system 
  • – Fluid flow examples to demonstrate the capability of the methodology
  • – Geometry construction and model creation 
  • – Real engineering problems, using modern available tools
  • – Correlation of CFD with Industry 4.0 through examples using IoT and virtual prototyping using Digital Twin

Prof. Clovis R. Maliska, UFSC

Clovis R. Maliska é professor titular do Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica da UFSC, desenvolvendo atividades na área de simulação numérica há mais de 3 décadas, com diversos projetos de extensão com empresas brasileiras. É autor do livro “Transferência de Calor e Mecânica dos Fluidos Computacional”, da Editora LTC, largamente usado no Brasil nos cursos de engenharia e também autor de um curso de 30h de CFD disponível em vídeos no YouTube.


M.Sc. Tiago Faria, ESSS

Tiago Faria é graduado em Engenharia Aeroespacial pela Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, Mestre em Mecânica Computacional pela Universidade Técnica de Munique (TUM) na Alemanha e Doutorando em Ciências Espaciais pelo Instituto Tecnológico da Aeronáutica (ITA). Atuou como engenheiro de simulação no Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE) em projetos de veículos lançadores de satélites, na Agência Espacial Alemã (DLR) no desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle de foguetes e na Koç University em parceria com a Airbus na otimização vibro-acústica de fuselagens de aeronaves. Atualmente, atua como Coordenador Técnico e também Coordenador do curso de Especialiazação em Fluidodinâmica Computacional do Instituto ESSS para Desenvolvimento e Educação.


Mr. Luis Gonçalves Silva, ESSS

Luis Gonçalves Silva é estudante de Engenharia de Energia na Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP). Foi bolsista pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) em pesquisas com foco na otimização de coletores solares para a intensificação da transferência de calor.  Atualmente é estagiário de Aplicações CAE na Engineering Simulation And Scientific Software (ESSS), com grande experiência no uso dos softwares ANSYS, principalmente para aplicações com foco na dinâmica dos fluidos computacional (CFD)

Patent search methods and tools (Course in Portuguese)


  • – A importância da busca de patentes
  • – Desafios na busca de patentes
  • – Informações básicas de uma patente
  • – Métodos de busca
  • – Ferramentas para busca de patentes

Prof. Estevan Hideki Murai, UFSC

Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering at Federal University of Technology – Paraná (2010), Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina (2013) and Doctor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at UFSC (2019), with a sandwich doctorate at University College London (2017). His research interests include structural optimization and machine and mechanism design, having developed research in both areas. He lectured Machine Design, Mechanisms, Static, Solid Mechanics, Technical Drawing and Computer Modeling at UFSC. Currently, he is an adjunct professor at the Design and Graphical Expression Department at UFSC and member of Laboratory of Applied Robotics Prof. Raul Guenther.

System Simulation of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems (Course in English)


  • – The course deals with system simulation using the transmission line modelling TLM, paradigm for simulation of complex system.
  • – The course is based on the open-source simulation software Hopsan that have an array of libraries for different domains.
  • – The course will cover basic concepts of system modelling, a description of the TLM technique, with examples from hydraulic, mechatronic and aeronautics applications.
  • – Standards for integrating models from different software will also be demonstrated, e.g., creating S-functions for Matlab Simulink, and Functional Mock-up Interface, FMI that are also supported by Hopsan.

Petter Krus, LiU

Petter Krus is since 2010 a full professor in Fluid and Mechatronic Systems at Linköping University. He also holds the Endowed Swedish Chair in Aeronautics at ITA. Before that he was also a full professor in Machine Design from 2001-2010. He got his PhD at Linköping University in 1988 in the field of Fluid Power.


Robert Braun, LiU

Cubesat 101 (Course in Portuguese)


  • – Introdução às missões de Cubesat
  • – Life Cycle
  • – Design preliminar de sub-sistemas
  • – Testes de verificação
  • – Modelo inicial final

Prof. Talita S. Possamai

Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina – UFSC – I continued my studies in the area of Engineering/Thermal Sciences with industrial applications through a master’s and a doctorate in the area, also at UFSC. In 2014 I joined as a professor at UFSC, in the Aerospace Engineering course, at Campus Joinville, where I teach subjects related to thermodynamics, computational methods for engineering and aeronautical propulsion. In the administrative area, I was coordinator of the Aerospace Engineering course at UFSC from 2016 to 2018. I currently work on research projects and work with undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students linked to the themes of numerical simulation with industrial, aerospace and vehicular applications. I am also part of the SC2C.Aero – Aerospace Technologies Center of Santa Catarina. Currently I am coordinating the Constelation Catarina Project, a project to design and launch a constelation of 3U Cubesats in LEO for applications in weather monitoring together with AEB, SENAI ISIS and CELTA.

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