Guide for authors

26th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering

Submission instructions


The purpose of these instructions is to inform the authors about the format of the contributions and provide guidelines for the submission of abstracts and full papers to be included in the conference proceedings.

  • The submissions for COBEM 2021 will occur in a three-step process, according to the schedule provided on  “Important Dates” : abstract, draft paper, and final paper.
  • The research work reported should not have been previously published in conferences or journals
  • All the co-authors must declare awareness of the submission and share the responsibility for its contents. 
  • Each COBEM Symposium will select high quality papers. The presenting author will be invited to be a Session Speaker and all authors of the paper will receive an award certificate.
  • English is the official language of COBEM 2021 and will be used in all the submissions, poster and oral presentations. Authors who do not feel comfortable with English writing are advised to have their contributions revised by English native speakers or revision experts.
  • All submissions must be made through the web-based ABCM Event Management System, which requires previous registration of all the co-authors.
  • The abstract, having from 300 to 400 words,  will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee to check for the adherence of the intended contribution to the conference scope, and the appropriateness of the area and subarea selected by the authors. It should describe the objectives, context and relevance of the research, the methods adopted, the expected results, and  conclusions of the work. It should not contain neither formulae nor reference to bibliography. All co-authors must be listed, including the names and addresses of their institutions, and e-mail addresses.
  • After communication of the acceptance of the abstract, the authors must prepare and submit a draft paper with 6 to 10 pages following one of the templates provided in MS Word and LaTeX formats.
  • The draft paper will be peer-reviewed by reviewers selected within the area and subarea associated to the contribution. The review process will be coordinated by the Scientific Committee of the area, formed by members of the local host institution and members of the respective ABCM Technical Committee. The reviewing process will result in one of three possible decisions: acceptedaccepted with modifications or rejected.
  • The authors must answer the requests and recommendations made by the reviewers, either implementing them as requested, or contesting them based on justification. The authors must then submit the final paper, which will be again reviewed again by the Scientific Committee. The final decision will be accepted or rejected.



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