Templates available
Word format
Latex format
Instructions for submitting abstract
The purpose of this information is to inform you about the format of the contributions and provide you guidelines for the submission of abstracts and the full papers for the conference proceedings.
- The contributions for the COBEM 2021 will occur in a three steps process: the submission of the abstract, the draft paper and the final paper.
- The Abstract will be reviewed by the organizing committee to check for the adherence of its contents to the conference objectives and focus, and the appropriateness of the area and subarea selected by the author.
- After communication of acceptance of the abstract, the authors will prepare and submit a draft paper following the template provided.
- The draft paper will be peer reviewed by reviewers selected within the area and subarea associated to the abstract.
- The review process will be coordinated by the scientific committee of the area, formed by members of the local host institution and members of the respective ABCM´s Technical Committee.
- The reviewing process will result in a verdict of Accepted, Accepted with modifications or Rejected.
- The authors must answer the requests and recommendations made by the reviewers, either implementing them as requested, or providing a reply to each comment stating their own point of view.
- After receiving and implementing the recommendations of the reviewers, the authors must submit the final paper, which must be in final form for the proceedings. The final paper acceptance or rejection will be informed to the authors at the date fixed on “Important Dates”.
In the following, specific guidelines are provided.
- Abstracts must be in English. (If you are not a native English speaker, you are advised to have your writing reviewed by a native English speaker before submission.)
- The work being submitted as abstract should contain previously unpublished results or analysis.
- The abstract must be approximately 200 words long, written in only one paragraph.
- It should describe the objectives, the context and importance of the research, the methods, the results and the main conclusions (or expected conclusions) of the work. It should not contain neither formulae nor reference to bibliography.
- All co-authors should be listed, including the name and addresses of their institutions, and the email addresses for contact.
- All listed co-authors must have reviewed the abstract and accepted responsibility for its contents.
For registration and abstract/paper submission please access: ABCM Platform